Sandhill Crane Savanna

Expansive grasslands provide habitat for innumerable species, yet some literally stand out in their field. A single bird or feathered flock, Sandhill Cranes are always showstoppers. Large, elegant creatures that walk confidently through tall grass and shallow pools, they are a treasured sight in disappearing wild places.

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, on the Anoka Sand Plain of Central Minnesota, is one preserved place where they can be seen in great numbers— nesting and raising young through the summer months, later gathering in immense flocks readying for fall migration.

The mottled browns and grays of their feathers blend into the drying late-season savanna grasses.

Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis)

This collection pays tribute to these majestic creatures and the expansive habitat they move through with grace and purpose. The autumnal palette fits in the home just as well as it does in the landscape.