Backyard Birds

No matter the season, habitat gardens attract a variety of birds to our yards. And as with butterflies and pollinators, they offer opportunities to observe and enjoy the rhythms of nature. I try to share what I learn and love through my artwork.


A favorite garden visitor from spring through fall, Hummingbirds are a delight to watch as they search for nectar rich flowers. Plan for season-long blooms to provide them the energy they need to keep up their flights of fancy.

Sun Birds

As seasons change, so does the plumage of many birds. Some, like Goldfinches, display summer colors so bright they rival the wildflowers for our attention. Although in winter others blend into the more limited palette of whites, grays and browns, becoming visible only in movement against the snow.

Snow Birds

Trees are nature’s bird feeders. In spring they support caterpillars and larva needed by new nestlings. Summer and fall bring a bounty of seeds, fruits and nuts. In winter many insects hide in the crevices of tree bark, rewarding birds like Chickadees that stay and search under snow-covered branches.